Friday, 7 March 2014

Skating and Miscellaneous Things

We had a busy day!  First thing this morning, we boarded a  schoolbus for a short ride to the rink for an hour of skating!  Everyone had a great time!

Friends helping each other skate!

Having a little rest!

After skating - waiting for the bus to pick us up!
 In Language Arts we have been learning about the Bossy R sound.  We played Bossy R Triplet Bingo (ir, er, ur) to review words with these sounds.

We started a new project in Art.  Students drew different shapes, then found places around the classroom with different textures.  They made rubbings with wax crayons and cut out the shapes.  Next Art class we will use the shapes to create a picture of a fantastic structure.

Have a great weekend!

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