Thursday, 27 October 2011

Pumpkin Seed Count

We counted our pumpkin seeds this afternoon with some very interesting results!  Students predicted that the biggest pumpkin would have the most seeds and they were right!  The interesting part was that the largest pumpkin had only 4 more seeds than the smallest pumpkin!  The students put pumpkin seeds on ten frame sheets (100 seeds on each page) to help make the counting easier.
Here are the final results:
  1. Large pumpkin:  396 seeds

2.  Medium Pumpkin #1:  213 seeds

3.  Medium Pumpkin #2:  365 seeds

4.  Small  Pumpkin:  392 seeds!!

1 comment:

  1. Grade 1 -
    Thank you so much for sharing pictures of your class! This looks like a fun way to learn about counting!
