Thursday, 13 October 2011

Math Information

One of the learning outcomes in math for our Numbers unit is that students are able to recognize (at a glance) familiar arrangements of 1 to 10 objects, dots or pictures.  This skill is called "subitizing".  For example, a child who is subitizing can instantly tell how many dots are on a die without counting.  Subitizing helps a child form mental pictures of numbers and to realize that a number can be represented in many ways.  The ability to see the components of numbers and the relations between numbers will help children develop addition strategies and  learn and remember basic facts later on in the year.

In class, we use "dot cards", "ten frames" and games using dice to practice this skill. 

Here are some good websites with similar activities that your child can do at home to practice these skills

This first website helps students recognize how many counters are on the ten frames.  We have practiced this at school and students know how to do the first 3 activities (we'll do the adding one later on in the year).

These next two websites are videos that help to practice instant recognition of ten frames and dot cards.

Practice identifying the numbers before they disappear!

Practice number recognition with these dot cards with numbers 1-10.

Hope these are helpful!

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