Thursday, 21 November 2013

Making Words and Painting with Primary and Secondary Colours

Our Word Study lessons this week have been all about Consonant Digraphs (or "Buddy Letters" as we like to call them).  Today we used all our letter cards (plus the sh and ch cards) to practice building words.  Students are getting very good at listening to the word and switching either the beginning, middle or ending sound to make a new word.  For example:  we can change chin to shin, shin to ship, ship to shop and shop to chop!

In Art, we have been learning about primary and secondary colours.  Students used their knowledge of colour to paint fish.  Their pictures include 3 large fish (painted with primary colours) and 3 smaller fish (painted with secondary colours that they mixed themselves.)  Then, they painted the background by mixing blue and white to make a tint to show the water!  

Here are some pictures of our art work in progress.  Tomorrow we'll outline the pictures with black and then put them up for display.  More pictures to come!

Blue + yellow = green

Red + blue = purple

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