Thursday, 17 October 2013

October 17

We had an exciting day today!  Zero the Hero visited our classroom overnight and left enough Fruit Loops (he loves anything that looks like a zero!) so each student could count up to 30.  It  was the 30th day of school!

We practiced counting forwards and backwards and counting by 5s up to 30.  Then we got to eat the Fruit Loops!

We did our first Making Words lesson.  We spelled different words belonging to the -an and -ap families by changing one letter at a time.  First we spelled can...
... and then we changed the beginning sound to spell man!

This afternoon we had a special visitor.  Greg came to perform magic tricks for us and also to taught us about how we can be Cool Kids who Care.  He showed us how we can be a HERO:  Helpful, Encouraging, Respectful and Outspoken.

We ended our day by doing some owl research.  Students worked in groups to look at nonfiction books to find interesting facts about owls.
They drew pictures and printed words to represent their findings.  We also talked about how fiction and non-fiction books are different.  Non-fiction books have many text features like:  Table of Contents, Index, charts, maps, headings, glossaries, diagrams, photographs and labels.

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