Wednesday, 18 September 2013


This morning, several teachers from our school were involved in a workshop regarding 21 Century competencies.  Our school division is working on two specific competencies during this school year:  critical thinking and collaboration. So... this afternoon, Grade ones did some collaborating of their own!  In Science we have recently begun a unit on Characteristics and Needs of Living Things.  We have learned that living things need food, water, and air to survive, they can reproduce, they can grow, and they die. 

Our task today was to look at pictures of living things and think together about how we could sort them into different groups.  The boys and girls worked very well together to determine their own sorting rule.  I was so pleased with the high level of thinkers we have in our class!

Students worked together to come up with their own sorting rule for the pictures of animals on the smartboard.

Sorting Rule:  animals that live on land and animals that live in water

Can you figure out this sorting rule?

Sorting rule:  Animals that have horns or tusks and animals that don't.

Animals that don't have legs and animals that do have legs.

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