Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Globes and Valentine Collages (Part 2)

Our current unit in Social Studies is all about maps!  Today the students spent some time looking at globes.  We learned that a globe is a model of the Earth, like a ball or sphere (a new word from Math this morning!)  Here are some things that we discovered/learned about globes:

  • the water on a globe represents water
  • the line around the centre of the Earth is called the Equator
  • the bumpy parts on a globe represent mountains
  • there are mountains under the oceans too!
  • tropical rain forests are found close to the Equator
  • not all globes are coloured the same way
  • we can find Canada and Saskatchewan on a globe!
Looking at globes in small groups:


After all the excitement and business of Hundred Day last week, we finally got around to finishing our Valentine Collages this morning.  Students cut out their own hearts by using the folding method or using tracers, then glued them on a black background.  Students were asked to make different sizes of hearts and use different textures of paper (from our painting last week).

Cutting and arranging hearts

Final products!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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