In Math today we started practicing how to estimate. We learned that when we estimate we try to make a good guess. One thing that helps young children estimate is to think about referents. In Grade One we use the referents of 5, 10 and 20. Since we have been working a lot with numbers to 20 (on ten frames, two part mats, etc.), students should have a good number sense of what 5, 10 and 20 look like. When we estimate a quantity, we think about whether the amount we're estimating is closer to 10 or 20. Estimates are never wrong - just too low or too high!
You can practice this at home too! Show your child a collection of objects between 5 and 20 for a few seconds (not long enough to allow them to count!) Then cover it up and ask: "Do you think that it's closer to 5, 10 or 20?" Then ask them to tell you what their estimate is: "My estimate is ______." Then count to see if the estimate is too high, too low or just right.
Our Social Studies lesson tomorrow is about how many people are in our families. Students will need to know how many people are in their family and how many brothers and sisters they have.
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