This week we began a new unit in Science called Objects and Materials. Students were placed in small groups and given a bag of objects. They were instructed to sort the objects according to their own sorting rule. Students tried to guess each other's sorting rules. Then they investigated which objects could be marked with chalk, crayon and pens. (See pictures below.) This is a very hands-on unit and students are already excited about the final project when they get to "construct" a special project! Watch for a note that will come home with a request for various materials.
We also began a new unit in Math on Place Value. In this unit, students will explore numbers to 100 by learning counting patterns (forwards and backwards by ones, counting forwards to 20 by 2s and counting forwards to 100 by 5s and 10s) and place value concepts.
Thank you to all parents who came to Student-Led Conferences last Monday and Tuesday. The students were very excited to show you what they have been learning!
Drew is really enjoying grade 1 and was excited to show us all his "stuff" at the conferences! thanks!