We have had a great week in Grade One! The weather warmed up, so everyone has been able to go out to play at recess and get some exercise!
We have been having lots of fun in our Senses unit learning about how we get information through our senses of hearing, smell, sight, taste and touch. Students are excited about our tasting test tomorrow! Each child needs their own scarf to use as a blindfold. I will try to remember to take out my camera to get some pictures.
Our focus in Math this week has been adding. The students have worked on memorizing the "doubles" facts up to 12 (1+1 up to 6+6). Next week, we will start learning about subtraction.
In Art, we had fun making Winter People without using scissors. Students had to use their fine motor skills to rip paper to make a person wearing all the winter clothing. The pictures are up just outside our new door! Come take a look if you are in the school.
Students wrote How to stories this week. The story topics ranged from How to Hunt to How to Make a Bed. I have typed the stories for the students and tomorrow they will illustrate them. When everyone is done, I'll bind them into a class book and send it home for students to share.
Next week, we are going to start learning how to retell stories. This is an important comprehension skill that students require for their final year end reading assessment. Watch for a note next week ("Parent Pipeline") that will give suggestions on how you can help your child practice this skill at home.
:) interesting to check this blog. Thanks!