Friday, 27 January 2012

Taste Test

This afternoon we had our taste test!  Students put on blindfolds and tasted 6 different kinds of foods:  lime, chocolate chips, potato chips, sweet and sour candy, pretzels and pickles.  They had to identify what kind of taste each food had (sweet, sour or salty)  and then try and guess what the food might be.  The pictures below show the students with their blindfolds on!  (I've also attached a few pictures from our Art project this week.)

There is also a short video that shows us reciting our Poem of the Week:  "How to Talk to your Snowman".  (Your child is bringing home this poem to read to you this weekend.)

Thursday, 26 January 2012

What's New?

We have had a great week in Grade One!  The weather warmed up, so everyone has been able to go out to play at recess and get some exercise!

We have been having lots of fun in our Senses unit learning about how we get information through our senses of hearing, smell, sight, taste and touch.  Students are excited about our tasting test tomorrow!  Each child needs their own scarf to use as a blindfold.  I will try to remember to take out my camera to get some pictures.

Our focus in Math this week has been adding.  The students have worked on memorizing the "doubles" facts up to 12 (1+1 up to 6+6).  Next week, we will start learning about subtraction.

In Art, we had fun making Winter People without using scissors.  Students had to use their fine motor skills to rip paper to make a person wearing all the winter clothing.  The pictures are up just outside our new door!  Come take a look if you are in the school.

Students wrote How to stories this week.  The story topics ranged from  How to Hunt to How to Make a Bed.  I have typed the stories for the students and tomorrow they will illustrate them.  When everyone is done, I'll bind them into a class book and send it home for students to share.

Next week, we are going to start learning how to retell stories.  This is an important comprehension skill that students require for their final year end reading assessment.  Watch for a note next week ("Parent Pipeline") that will give suggestions on how you can help your child practice this skill at home.

Friday, 20 January 2012


It has  been  a  cold, cold week!  Students have been staying inside for all recesses and buses did not run on Wednesday and Thursday; we had half of the students present on those days!  Consequently, we tried to do things to practice skills and concepts that we have been learning about, without covering any new material.  This way, students who were missing for the 2 days wouldn't have too much extra work to do!  We played math games using dice, cards and dominoes.  We painted snowmen with the other grade ones (see picturee below).  We practiced reading and writing words with long vowel sounds.  We tried to keep busy in a productive way!
I hope that the weather will warm up and everyone will be able to go outside next week and burn off some of that excess energy! 

Have a great weekend.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy  New Year!  It was good to see all the students this morning and see their faces when they walked into our "new " classroom (see pictures below).  We now have a door and walls.  Our space is considerably smaller, but we are learning some new routines and procedures to deal with the small space!

We started new units today.  In Science we are learning about The Five Senses.  In Math, we are beginning to learn how to add.  Our new Health unit is all about taking medicine safely and learning to identify danger symbols.  We are beginning to learn how to read and spell words with different long vowel sounds in Language Arts.

The pictures below show students engaged in a math activity (investigating different ways to show the number 5 using two-sided counters.)  The pictures will give you a glimpse of our new room!