Here are some of the highlights of our day:
Zero the Hero arrived this morning to visit with the students! He told a funny joke: "What did the 0 say to the 8?" "Nice belt!" |
Zero the Hero did a cool trick where he made the little brown things move from under one hat to the other! |
He also did a neat trick with a string. Zero the Hero is very magical! |
Zero the Hero had a treat for each student - a lifesaver - shaped like a zero, of course! |
All the grade ones with Zero the Hero |
100 pieces of food! |
Our next activity was to display our 100 Day collections. This is 10 groups of 10 buttons. |
Ten groups of 10 pennies |
Two groups of 50 popcorn kernels. |
Two groups of 50 pasta shapes. |
25 groups of 4 wheels! |
20 groups of 5 puzzle pieces |
Ten groups of 10 paper clips |
20 groups of 5 straws |
Ten groups of 10 cheerios |
Ten groups of 10 jingle bells |
Ten groups of 10 lego |
50 groups of 2 spoons |
Ten groups of 10 cinnamon hearts |
After lunch we had DEAR time. Our goal was to read at least 100 books in 15 minutes. When we added up all the books everyone read, the total was 160! |
Students played Roll to 100 with a partner. |
Students built a design using 100 pattern blocks, then counted how many of each colour there were. |
It was a great day! Special thanks to all the parents who sent food items for our 100 Day Snack and helped their children find and count the 100 day collections. |