Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Last Day of School!

After a busy morning of cleaning up our classroom, we walked to the Spray Park for a hotdog and watermelon lunch.  Unfortunately, our time was cut a little short by some menacing clouds, so we had to return (rather quickly) to the school so we wouldn't get wet.  Students had a good time anyway!

It  has  been  a  great  year!
Have  a  wonderful  summer.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


The  pool is finally open and the weather cooperated enough that we were able to go swimming this afternoon.  After a long, hot walk down the hill, students really enjoyed their time in the pool!

We'll keep our fingers crossed that we have nice, sunny weather for our last day of school tomorrow and our lunch at the spray park.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Class Trip to Saskatoon

We had a wonderful day for our class trip to Saskatoon!  Our day consisted of mini-golfing, a visit to the Safeway store and lots of fun at the Discovery Museum.

The most popular section of the Safeway store was the bakery!  Students got a taste of freshly baked, sliced bread and delicious chocolate chip cookies.

The baker was decorating yummy chocolate cakes!

Fillings for donuts.

Gigantic dough hook for making bread.

Bread slicer
We found a nice little green area close to the mall where we could eat lunch.

Our group leader at the Discovery Museum talked to us about how to take care of our pets.

Each student got to choose a stuffed animal for their pet....

while the other half of our group made animals out of clay.  Then we switched activities.

A ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex!

After the group activities, students had a chance for free play.  The got to use dress up clothes, play guitars, ride in a canoe, pretend to cook in a playhouse...

some even put siding on a house!  You should have seen the hammers going!
Students had a lot of fun!  It was a great way to end the school year.

Just a reminder that the pool is now open and that we are planning on going swimming tomorrow afternoon - if the weather cooperates.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Busy Friday!

This morning we were fortunate to have a group of students from the University of Saskatchewan present SciFi workshops.  Our session was on Living Things which fits in nicely with our Science curriculum.  The students reviewed these concepts: distinguishing between Non-living and Living Things, what living things need to survive and adaptations.

Students sorted different items and decided whether they were needed by plants, animals, both or neither.  We learned that both plants and animals need nutrients, sun, water and air.  Animals need food and shelter.  Neither animals nor plants need Barbies or TVs!

Students acted out being hummingbirds.  The straws represented the hummingbird's long beak.  Hummingbirds can flap their wings more than ten times in one second!

Some animals have special adaptations to help them survive in their habitats.  The string shows how long the wingspan is of different kinds of birds.

The condor's wingspan is as long as three grade one children standing fingertip to fingertip!

One of our last units in Social Studies is about where our food comes from.  We learned that all of our food comes from either plants or animals, except for salt.  (Ask your child where salt comes from!)  We read a book called Let's Eat! What Children Eat Around the World  to find out what boys and girls in different countries eat.  Then came the best part:  tasting!

We tasted pomegranate (from California), mango (Mexico), Gold Pear (New Zealand), Pineapple (Costa Rica), Naan bread (eaten in India, but from Canada), refried beans, and weetabix!  You can see the coconut in the picture - we will taste that on Tuesday after I figure out how to crack it open!  I also bought a papaya, but it was on the verge of being over-ripe/rotten so we didn't taste it.

Have a great weekend and Happy Father's Day to all the dads!  Remember to keep your child's Home Journal at home on Monday.  See the yellow checklist in the Journal for a reminder of all the things to send along for the Track Meet.  Hope to see you there!


Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Fact Families

Fact Families is the latest math strategy that we've been working on.  We've learned that adding and subtracting are opposite operations and if we know the answer to an adding equation, it can help us answer the related subtraction equations!

This picture shows a student writing down the equations (with help from her classmates) for the Fact Family of 4, 5 and 9.